We Need Volunteers to (Amongst Many Other Things)

1. Connect with and get us approvals to allow individuals to complete their community service hours during our start-up stages and/or at our facilities once we are operational in all 50 states and abroad where/when possible.

2. Connect with / provide a list and contact information of judges in all 50 states that will approve of our mission and will sentence qualifying individuals to our alternative correctional Life Reevaluation Ideas Centers

*The referring judge agrees to expunge the resident's record of the specific crime that led to the referral upon the resident's successful completion of the program.

The judge will additionally agree to drop all court and DMV fines upon the resident's successful completion of the program.

Residents will receive X number of JackAlddy Brands Inc "Life Reevaluation Ideas Centers" stock upon arrival in an account that will be turned over to them upon successful completion of the program to assist in setting up their Reentry. Additional funds from onsite work programs can be earned and placed in their account, but also only accessible upon successful completion of the program.

The judge will agree to allow the facility-designated Team Director to shorten the ordered length of stay if that individual, in coordination with a designated group of Team members, deems that the resident has had the maximum therapeutic gain necessary so that re-entering general society will not likely result in the harm to self or others in the community.

The judge will order DCP&P to coordinate 3-4 FaceTime visits per week, especially where reunification is feasible and expected, for residents with children. Family therapy can be conducted, where indicated, during these video sessions.

3. Connect with / provide a list and contact information of all entertainers (musicians, comedians, actors/actresses, writers, ALL talents) who will agree to schedule a time to visit our facilities to help us meet our program goals / help fundraise.

Please email us at [email protected] and let us know how you might be able to assist!

A group of people holding hands in the middle of a circle.